Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In the Beginning...

Welcome to "The Charmed Life 365"!

I love to clean and organize! You read that correctly...I do! After years of working in the service industry I left to stay home and raise our little girl Olivia. I love being a mom and feel very blessed to be able to stay home with her. The first two years of her life have flown by and with each milestone we are settling into this parenting thing one day at a time. 

As much as I love being with my little girl I still yearn for that "thing" of my own..which began the process of starting my own business. I wanted to find a way to contribute to our household financially and not disrupt our family life we'd worked so hard to create. 

After much soul searching it really came down to this one simple question:
"What am I really good at and find joy in doing?" 
Answer: Cleaning and Organizing
Thus:  "The Charmed Life 365" was created.

To say it is in the start-up phase is an understatement but everyone has to start somewhere!  I am working on creating systems that I can apply to each customer that is unique to their style and way of life.  I started my blog in an effort to give my clients a place to learn more about me and what brings me so much joy!  I hope you will follow along with me as I share my new adventure with you!