Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summer Organizing Projects

So you're at home with kids and we're only into the first 3 weeks of summer vacation.'ve done the pool (to death I'm sure!), the library for story time, maybe even a trip to the beach! What to do with the rest of the summer you ask?? Get the kids involved in some organizing projects with you! From cleaning out the garage to organizing your garden supplies there are lots of great outdoor organizing projects you and your helpful kids could tackle together! "No way! (you say...) Not my kids!" ...solution: turn on a hose, hand them a bucket and let them play in the water while washing your lawn furniture or car! Meanwhile, you are at peace (hopefully!) to begin getting things put away the way you've always wanted them to be.

The garage is the first place of business! Here is an entryway perfect for summer and that can easily transition with the seasons:


You can find some great tips from Martha Stewart here:

From getting your garage, entryway, even picnic baskets organized and ready to grab and go for the summer.

You'll love these!