Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Giving Thanks

In the spirit of the season, I thought I would take a break from all the Turkey day planning and take a moment to share some ideas on how to get the whole family involved in really appreciating all that we have. This is the first year my family will not be going to someone else's house for the big day and also my first year preparing Thanksgiving for my family. I am excited to start some new traditions and look forward to cooking all day in my apron and watching football!

The new tradition we started this year was to create a "Gratitude Tree". I cut out leaves from construction paper in different colors (red, yellow, orange) and each night at dinner we share something we are thankful for. We write it on our leaf then put it on our tree. Pretty simple really, but it makes you stop and think and helps you realize we have  a LOT to be thankful for!

Here are some more Thanksgiving family crafts and activities you may enjoy! Creating traditions are a wonderful way to make lasting memories and really make the holidays special.

She Knows has some great ideas on teaching children about being thankful. Click here for more:

Child giving thanks

Babble also has a great list of crafts to make with kids:

Have fun and give thanks!

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