Friday, November 15, 2013

Timing is everything

So this is what you know:
1) The number of guests
2) The menu is set
3) The table is set
Now what? 
FOOD PREPERATION! I, personally always find myself struggling that last half hour to finish everything at once so that it all comes out hot and inevitably one thing is either forgotten, over done, or sometimes doesn't even get made!

Today, I am sharing some tips and tricks from my personal kitchen and a few magazines you all have trusted with recipes and tips before. First up, my advice:

I always write on a legal pad the menu items straight down on a piece of paper. In the next column I write the temp at which that item needs to be cooked. And on the third column I write the cook time needed.
This is a great way to get a visual of what your oven, stove top , or grill will look like and you can start to plan when you'll need to have certain things ready to put in the oven. And I always, ALWAYS!, prep whatever I can the day/night before to save myself some time the day of the dinner. Here are some more great tips~

Woman's Day magazine offers these tips for keeping your dishes warm while others are still getting cooked

slow cooker
Food Network has a calendar prepared with great go to tips for the "Turkey Day" countdown. They can be found here:

Stock the Pantry

And Eating Well answers all your questions about prepping for turkey day right here:

How to Plan and Time Thanksgiving Dinner

 I hope you find these tips helpful! Tomorrow I will be sharing with you some ways to get your pantry and refrigerators organized and ready for your trip to the store. Until then...

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