Monday, November 18, 2013

Packing it all in-the pantry, fridge, and freezer make-over

So you're all set! Now it's time to make out your grocery list and bring all the goodies home so you can start your feast. The only problem is...where to put all of this food when your pantry is packed? First, let's back up...before heading to the store you need to dig around in your both your pantry and refrigerator and purge of those expired items that are lingering in the way back.

Next, take a look at your spice cabinet and group "like with like". Try to put your oregano, basil, Italian seasoning, etc. together. Put your cloves, cinnamon, allspice, etc. together. This little tip will help you get a fresh look at what spices you have on hand and as you're making your list out you'll quickly be able to jot down those needed and hopefully eliminate those extra trips to the store for forgotten items.

And now on to the fridge/freezer...My least favorite space to organize, I'll admit! The goal here is remove expired items and make room in the heart of the fridge/freezer for make ahead recipes like stock, cranberry sauce, soups, pie crusts, etc.

The MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER!  ~ pull your turkey out of the freezer 3 DAYS before Thanksgiving. Place it on a rimmed cookie sheet and put on the bottom shelf of the fridge to thaw. No one wants to forget this one!

Now...for temperature tips and the nitty gritty info check out this go-to guide put together by Real Simple magazine.

Fully-stocked refrigerator

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